Accountability is essential for getting things done. To make progress with anything, we need deadlines and drive. We need to follow-through on things when we say we’re going to do them. For many, this accountability comes in the form of a boss.
However, as an entrepreneur, student or high performing person or any other version of a self-starter, the accountability structure is much different. There’s no boss; it’s just you. The tremendous freedom this provides is accompanied by the stress involved in taking responsibility for your actions and doing what needs to be done.
Enter the accountability coach. This person is like a semi-boss. You don’t owe them anything, and they cannot punish you. But they do force you to own up to your actions, explain why things didn’t happen, and push yourself to be better. And this is usually done in a casual, friendly manner, to help ease the pressure you’ve put on yourself as well help you get the results you want.
Deciding to hire an accountability coach is the easy part. Finding the right one is another story. There are now thousands of accountability coaches offering to help you. But fear not, we’ve reviewed the best coaches out there and come up with a list of the top three. Overall, we consider Commit Action to be the best. Take a look at why we think this and also out other accountability coach recommendations.
#1 COMMIT ACTION (Rating 9.8/10)
What makes Commit Action the clear number one when it comes to accountability coaches is their approach. When signing up for Commit Action, you’ll immediately be assigned a personal aide. The aide will be chosen based on fit, be it personality, experience, what have you. This will be your aide for the duration of your collaboration with Commit Action.
Once you’ve been given someone to work with, and they’ve been informed of your situation, you’ll start to make a plan. They will help you organize your calendar, prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and improve your mindset so that you can focus better and be more productive.
With Commit Action, you’ll have at your disposal a whole host of resources to help make this easier. Their app is really helpful, as it puts everything in one place and makes it easy to share and communicate with your aide.
But what really makes Commit Action an effective accountability coach service is the frequent communication. You’ll be scheduled for a weekly phone call, and you can expect at least one email in between to check progress. If you don’t meet a deadline or fall victim to some of your typical traps, there’s no scolding. Instead, you’ll have the chance to discuss what happened with your aide so that you can prevent it from repeating.
This constant discussion about your projects and deadlines helps to instill inside you that sense of accountability we would all like to have. To get more of this in your life, and to take advantage of a resource that will make you generally more productive, consider reaching out and connecting with Commit Action today.
#2 CBT NUGGETS (Rating 8.8/10)
What helps set CBT Nuggets apart from some of the other accountability coaches out there is their willingness to make things work for you. They understand that for their program to work, they need to have buy-in from you; no one can coach someone who doesn’t want to be coached.
As such, the first step in working with CBT Nuggets is discussion. They want to know your goals and ambitions, and they also want to know which strategies you’ve tried, as well as which ones have worked and which ones have not. The goal is to find the right combination of things that will push you forward but that will also not drag you too far out of your comfort zone.
CBT Nuggets is a large operation, but you wouldn’t know it working with them. The only time this comes into play is in the beginning when they draw on their large pool of coaches to find one that’s right for you. Beyond that, it’s just you and your coach working towards helping you achieve your goals.
Interested in improving accountability and productivity? Then consider getting in touch with CBT nuggets today.
Anne Bachrach is “The Accountability Coach.” What’s nice about Anne’s service is her experience. You can tell she is really invested in helping you succeed. She’s been there before and knows how liberating and exciting it can be when you finally take the right steps towards reaching your goals.
Bachrach’s operation is small, but that helps make it better. The personal touch you’ll get working with Bachrach is pretty hard to find elsewhere in the accountability coaching space, so make sure to take full advantage of it should you decide to work with her.
Yet Bachrach possesses a keen ability to adapt to your needs. She recognizes everyone is different, and she isn’t going to try and force “her” method. The beginning stages of your collaboration will be all about trying to figure out the best approach. From there, she will step back and serve as a resource and as a source of accountability so that you can be more productive and get to where you want to be.
The decision to go out on your own is sure to be one of the best you’ll ever make. But it’s scary, especially in the beginning. Realizing your success or failure depends entirely on you can easily cause you to shut down, contributing to all sorts of negative emotions and thoughts. To help you get on the right track, and to make it easier for you to reach your goals, consider bringing in an accountability coach. We’re provided you with the top three to get you started, with Commit Action being the best of the best. Get in touch with them today and begin transforming your career and yourself.